Friday, January 8, 2010

My son's Birthday Update...

Well today was my son's birthday. Eight years old! We asked him after dinner just before getting ready to take his meds if he'd had a good day, and we were about floored when he said "no". Seems that in spite of everything he got better for a while during the time we were at St. Jude, and now he is getting.... well worse again. He's having trouble walking. Some difficulty forming his words. He has also developed a slight .... tremor or jerkiness on his left side when trying to use his left arm now.

He got up this morning doing well, and quickly faded. He is becoming tired very rapidly after little movement or exertion. Worst of all he gagged on his meds this evening so had to have a snack before bed in order to refill his tummy due to the loss of his dinner, birthday cake, and ice cream.... Many things that I would like to say on this part, but I shall refrain as I know I offend enough people already. I am trying to keep from doing that as much any more.