Sunday, January 3, 2010

And the search is truly on

Sunday evening and aside from a massive headache all seems well. Ok so here's where I stand now. We have conclusively decided that we need to get out of this house, and want to move to the Memphis area. Of course this means I need to find a job that will certainly allow me to make enough money to cover bills as well as all other needs. I have a phone interview tomorrow, that I would like to believe is promising...

The problem is going to be this.. How can I take a job driving truck over the road knowing how difficult it will be to get them to work with my scheduling needs so long as we are living here.. Two States away from where we need to be? I fully believe that this is the type of position I need to make things happen. Not just happen, but also happen quickly. So that means that simply put I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I feel the need to be here right with my family at all times especially while my son is going through what he is. On the other hand I absolutely must get my family out of here and into our own home. That is where the home needing to be in Memphis comes in. It's there right by St. Jude so my family is as close as possible to where we need to be for my son. I would be able to relax my scheduling needs due to that fact. Which would allow me the ability to pursue any job I needed to in order to make ends meet.

On the down side. The only way we will be able to get there is with either a lot of help from friends and family, or for me to take a job in trucking. I am an experienced freight courier in either a cargo van or up to 19 foot box truck. I still need to go in as inexperienced for trucking as I do not have a CDL Class A only a CDL Learner's Permit. I do however, feel very strongly that not only can I do this and be able to give my family everything they need. I also believe that within 3 - 5 years ( if it takes that long ) I can get us the rest of the way out of debt and set comfortably enough that I can return to just doing a local job somewhere by the house.

So now the true search begins with many things to consider. First if I can land a Trucking job, then am I strong enough to deal with being away from home and family as much as I will have to in order to make it work. Secondly I have to consider the ability to work around strenuous scheduling needs for at least the first 3 - 6 months of employment while gathering the funds to find a home and move my family. Then come the concerns that will need to be faced after the move is completed so therefore have to be considered while looking. Are the school systems good? Is the neighborhood safe for my wife and children? Will they have everything they need while I'm not there?

So many things to consider. In spite of everything that we need to carefully plan to make this work, I truly do not think I can wait any longer to take action and start putting this together. My only prayer is that my family understands that even though I may not truly want to do it this way. I am convinced that this is the best and most sure way to make this happen quickly.