Saturday, January 2, 2010

Good Saturday Morning!

Having a bit of a confusing day today. Well I filled out some applications on job posting web sites last night. Each marked with the desire to change location and where we would like to move to. Hopefully one of the companies I applied at will be able and willing to help me complete my CDL and work with my scheduling needs. The way I have it figured if we can move to Memphis and be closer to St. Jude then I wont have to be so particular about my scheduling needs because we'll be right there where we need to be. I still need to make certain that I can be home for at least three days at a time a minimum of once a month even once we can get moved to Memphis. However in the meantime, until we can move there I have to be home in a rotation of at least 3 days a month for Dr.'s appointments, and every eight weeks I have to be home for a week at a time for the follow up visits to St. Jude for check ups and basic "how are we doing" MRI visits. I still think it will difficult at best to find a company that can work with these needs, but I am trying to remain optomistic and going to fill out the applications and talk to the companies anyway in hopes that all will work out for the best. I have to do what is right for my family, and just accepting a job to have a job is not going to be it. I am going to need to insure I can cover the bills and care for my family as needed, which means I need something that will allow me to earn enough so we can get our own place, keep from going back further into debt, and get out of the house we live in currently. We'll see what happens. Everyone wish me luck, and we'll see if some of the trucking companies out there will be as understanding as I believe they will be.