Thursday, December 31, 2009

Should a new year mean a new beginning?

Well at least I'm remaining consistant with the every couple of days thing. Anyway I was having a few stray thoughts. It seems we were all more comfortable when we were in Memphis, and after all Memphis is where my son's primary Dr. for his Cancer treatment is located. So I got a bit of a wire going this evening and looked up homes for sale or rent in the Memphis area. Now I am a firm believer in things no matter how insignificant they may seem happen for a reason. I found a home in exactly the area we were looking to get to if we moved for a fairly affordable price... That is if by some miracle we could come up with the down payment...

I honestly think the move would be good for my family, and would allow us all some peace of mind and well being. I just wonder how in the world we could possibly come up with the down payment. Figuring up the monthly payment we could easily afford it so long as I can find something working at least 30-40 hours a week at no less than $9.50 an hour. As an experienced freight courier I should be able to find that easily enough. So my question is. If an opportunity presents itself, and a person can figure out a way to make it work.... Should the beginning of a new year also be a new beginning entirely? I mean a change of residence, employment, and complete change of lifestyle. Just a wayward thought to be pondered.